
Thesaurus for Writers

Lindy books introduce many great ideas and this thesaurus for writers aims to explain them. Besides the lindy principle, there exist many other important concepts from great books worth studying. They are important because they can be applied to ones own life and help navigate through a complex world. Especially writers can use this thesaurus to find synonyms or related books to understand and use this concepts properly in their works.

correct similar expressions

incorrect expressions pointing at different concepts


Antifragility means that things belonging to a dynamic, unstable, and contingent system benefit from this disorder over time. Fragile things, on the other hand, thrive on order and require significant effort to maintain it.

Strength through adversity

Robustness, Resilience, Resisting adversity

Books about Antifragility

Black Swan

Unexpected, unlikely events that have devastating effects and are unpredictable are called black swans. In the past, they have often triggered crises, wars or revolutions.

(predictable) Catastrophes

Books about Black Swans


Harry Frankfurt addressed the topic of bullshit in his famous essay. Lying is a craft that pursues specific purposes and goals. Accordingly, it must be worked out conscientiously. Bullshit does not need this. It is much more general and vague and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Someone who produces bullshit produces something half-baked. He doesn't even try to be right, cause he doesn't care whether his statement is right or wrong.

falsehood, lie, untruth

Books about Bullshit
  • Harry Frankfurt: On Bullshit
  • Rory Sutherland: Alchemy (Benign Bullshit)


Dynamic systems are considered ergodic when they exhibit constant quantities over long periods but undergo fluctuations in individual time periods. In this case, they are independent of their initial conditions.

Books about Ergodicity

Ecological Rationality

Ecological rationality describes how well a heuristic is suited to solving a problem based on the environment in which it operates.

Books about Ecological Rationality
  • Gerd Gigerenzer: Gut Feelings


The modern state has the goal to make his citizens and his territory more legible, because legibility is necessary for exerting control. The problem is that in order to make his states subjects legible, it has to use simplified schemes, that cause injustice, social and environmental costs.

Books about Legibility

Mimetic Desire

Mimetic desire describes people's uncertainty about what they should desire next and the imitation process caused by that uncertainty. But at the same time they want to separate themselves from their fellow human beings because they fear too much equality. This conflict, which is nowadays fueled by social media leads to "mimetic crises" for the resolution of which the scapegoat mechanism and the market economy were invented as social innovations in the past. Nowadays, however, they no longer work so well and we need a third revolution to resolve conflicts through mimetic crises.


Books about Mimetic Desire
  • Luke Burgis: Wanted
  • René Girard: Violence and the Sacred
  • René Girard: I See Satan Fall Like Lightning
  • René Girard: The Scapegoat


The term psycho-logic was coined by Rory Sutherland and describes that in real life decisions made by humans are often counterintuitive and follow psychological principles unknown to theorists in academics.

Books about Psycho-logic
  • Rory Sutherland: Alchemy
  • Sam Tatam: Evolutionary Ideas


Carlo Cipolla defines a stupid person as someone who harms others without being able to take any advantage or even harming himself in this process.

Idiocy, Foolishness, Imbecility


Books about Stupidity
  • Carlo Cipolla: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

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