Book Advertising Sites & Options

You want to sell books? You are a writer or work with writers? Then find out about the opportunities the lindy book websites are offering to writers, bookstores or author networks.

Opportunities for Writers

Lifetime Book Listings

If you are an indie author and want to write a lindy book, a book listing on (which will also be displayed on is a great opportunity for you. Learn more about book listings.

Read here about book advertisements and indie author marketing.

Indie Author Directory

Upcoming indie auhor directory on

Book Blog Partner

Contribute to the Lindy Book Blogging Network in form of book reviews or exploratory articles in your field of study. The available domain names and websites relate to a lindy book category. To the Overview

Submit Your Book Project

Bookstore Advertising

Bookstores can exploit the number of readers looking for their next read in the LindyBook database by advertising directly on this site.

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Author Networks or Book Business Representatives

You are a publicist, agency, publisher, association or manage an author network and want to help writers to create timeless books?

Get Discounts on Book Listings

If you become a lindy book partner, your authors will be eligible to receive a discount on book listings.

Submit Your Partner Request

Lindy Book Websites

  • For lindy books
  • For lindy authors & indie books
  • For indie authors
  • For book cafes
  • For bookshops

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