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Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the world - Book by Tom Holland

Christianity emerged within the ancient world, a time whose values often seem alien to us today. Fame and honor held great importance. Compassion, on the other hand, was considered a weakness. Antiquity was acquainted with masters of brutal torture methods and rulers possessing unimaginable wealth. When Christianity came into the world in the Roman Empire, violence and hierarchies were widely accepted practices. Even the philosophers of antiquity pondered an ethics that would oppose the abuse of power. But the universal breakthrough of a moral revolution only succeeded with the rise of Christianity. Suddenly, weakness meant strength, and values like charity and humility became the ideal. The ensuing moral revolution gradually bore fruit. Tom Holland, in his book 'Dominion,' demonstrates how modern ideas and concepts such as human rights, science, homosexuality, atheism, or secularization have their origins in Christianity. Amazon

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